We believe,
that everyone deserves a luxurious Sleep
and good rest.
Family is everything in a persons life. I was about to marry the most beautiful wife a man could find. But in December 2020. Just like all over the world, when the pandemic hit the UK, the country was just about to go into lockdown. However, Moboso Udoh and I got married on the Friday of the 11th of December. Two days before the country would not be registering any new marriages and dive back into lockdown again. She was the woman of my dreams, she was a woman with an idea for us, to be able to work from home.
Mboso was having a serious health condition when we got married. She was quadriplegic. She had little strength in her hands to grip, she could not reach up and fix her hair in any complicated way. But somehow she always had the most beautiful hair. She was very concerned about it and took very good care of it in any way she could. My wife would turn into a lioness if anyone wanted to touch her hair. She used to fix them in extensions so they could last between 4- 5 weeks. Her sisters took tunrs to come by to fix her hair up. On that day, as the hair dressing was carried out, it would not take long to hear from the upstairs office of our house... a loud 'scream' accompanies with "don't break my hair, don't break my hair..." if her hair was pulled or twisted too hard. She used to gaurd it with her life.
I remember every evening I helped her with her nightroutine wich included but was not limited to a silk scarf. Mboso would be home almost every day and I would be at work. When I came back from work, she would be in her wheelchair facing the huge window that pointed to the veiw of the the houses accross the streets of Kimberly road. She would be on her tablet, writing notes, looking for products. I would come in and give her a kiss and we would sit of a while talking about our day and todo list. One day she came to me and asked if I would sit with her. I sat on the air matress on the end of the bed and you could hear the sound of the air come out as it bared my weight. She has been looking at serveal products like wifi boxes, candle holders, nighties and so on. "Malachi" she said, "I have found the right product... Silk pillowcases. What do you think?" I said "yes, fantastic you are amazing, such a simple product which brings so many benefits, a fabric that has been around for thousents of years." And that is how MessyBerry was born.
On the 16th of December 2021, was the day that Mboso and our baby were torn from my life. She collapsed, at 7:30 pm. I was in the room and She said "Malachi!" and took in her last breath. I was on the phone with emergency services, so they told me what to do to revive her. It was not until 35 minutes later, that the medical team was able to revive her. Our baby was born on the same day by c section. At the hospital a few weeks later, due to severe injuries to the brain from lack of oxigine during the 35 minutes her heart stoped, I lost them both. Losing not only my Wife, which in itself was worldshattering but also our Baby, made that time of my life very hard to endure. My brothers and sisters flew in to from all over the world to help me in such a difficult time and to attend Mbosos funeral.
During that time, my younger sister Shasha and I became closer again. I went to visit her in Germany when she had a hard time during her pregnancy in November 2022. I met her husband Kuma for the first time. We became close friends and got talking about some business ideas that were still bouncing around in my mind. Later after I returned to the UK the contact to Shasha and Kuma stayed strong. We would speak for hours on whatsapp videocall. Kuma and Shasha's company Co.Co.Co, have now joined MessyBerry, to help amplify the dream that was born that day, between me and my wife.
Messyberry is a family owned compay that believes in building an ethical company by doing things the right way.